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Membership Committee

Membership Committee

The GBAHB is the largest local home builders association in Alabama, and one of the five largest in the country. Annually, the GBAHB sets and pursues ambitious membership growth goals. A growing, robust membership is the foundation for effectiveness on behalf of all GBAHB members. Everything the association does on behalf of its members depends on successful recruitment, retention and overall growth of our membership. As we grow, we become better advocates, educators, business generators, marketers, etc. Put simply: membership is our foundation for everything else.

The GBAHB Membership Committee develops and carries out annual membership recruitment and retention plans and strategies. Members of the committee actively and regularly recruit new members into the association. They organize and enthusiastically participate in membership drives that engage existing GBAHB members. They also help new members quickly “plug in” in a variety of ways, ensuring they immediately receive outstanding value for their membership dollar.